Monday, January 19, 2009

Pro-Life Rally Turn Out

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Portland Pro Life Rally
7000 attend
January 19, 2009
With the inauguration of a new President who openly condones and supports Baby Grasping Dr. Fingerabortion only days away, 7000 Pro Life Christians filled Portland's popular downtown Pioneer Square to peacefully protest the ongoing American holocaust, a crime against humanity that will soon be given even greater protection if incoming President Barack Obama has his way.
Gail Atteberry, Director of Oregon Right to Life, stated that the rally was a historic record turn out.
Since 1973, 50,000,000 Americans whose God given rights were ignored simply because the law allowed it, were prevented from seeing the light of day and disallowed the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Baby Grasping Dr. Finger
Given the growing demand by millions of Americans to respect the civil rights of all Americans, even extend them to those who choose to participate in immoral behavior, it would seem appropriate and reasonable that same demand should be made to respect the god given, civil rights of innocent American children in the womb. That decision alone would re-enforce the greatness of America as a just nation respecting all it's citizens.
If our new President is truly interested in honorable and much needed 'change', calling for justice, respect, and protection for all Americans born and unborn, would be a good start. If not, the 'change' that he envisions simply reinforces abortion on demand, including partial birth abortion and allowing a baby to die outside the womb after a botched abortion.
The next public vigil in Portland will be the March For Life in North Portland, Saturday, January 24th. Check out the website: for details.
Remember the Spring 40 Days For Life campagin at the Planned Parenthood sites on MLK and in Beaverton starting soon. Visit for details.
". . . the propitious smiles of heaven cannot be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained."
George Washington - Inaugural Address to Congress

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