Thursday, January 7, 2010

2009 in the Life of The Daggett House

Wow, what a crazy fast year this has been.
It seems like there really isn't much new with us, but life has been changing around us constantly.
Charlie's Mom got remarried in May to Tom Gregersen, a perfect fit for our 'Hall' family.
Travis' brother, Sean, married Jillian in October. She too is a perfect fit for the 'Daggett' family.

Both Charlie & Travis said farewell to their childhood homes. Both surviving parents had remarried and it was time for them to start anew. I'm still learning a lot about myself as our families change. My last visit to my old home was unexpectedly emotional as all I could picture in my mind were memories of my Dad, much different than all the other times I was there in the past 7 years.

Travis is still a Sales Trainer for Combined Ins, but that is not his passion. He spends his time with his family and what's left over he spends playing racquetball. He has also enjoyed taking classes here and there at our church and is preparing to lead a small-group discussion on the Truth Project. People are still telling him that they see him getting involved in politics and surprisingly I would support that. We need strong, faithful Christian men leading the greatest country on God's green earth.

Charlie is still involved with the Mother's Bible Study at church and the homeschool group. I teach Alexis 1st grade, Preston some things here and there and of course all the other motherly things that go along with having 3 kids. There are many days that I want to pull my hair out or pull the kids' hair out, but I control myself because I hear this is all worth it.

In September we committed to teaching a small class of 3rd & 4th graders on Wednesday nights at our church. It was a challenge to embrace yet another responsibility, but it has been great spending time with other people's children and helping them in their spiritual growth & understanding.

Alexis is in 1st grade and just celebrated her 7th birthday. She has had an incredible year of change & growth. She used to be our "problem" child, what I mean to say is that she is extremely strong-willed and challenged authority every chance she had. Her teachers at church have helped us mold & shape her little will and we have seen amazing changes. She still shows her God given personality, but she's pleasant to be around most of the time. We believe that God has given her this trait to be used for His glory and we know that she's a leader and will do great things no matter where she is.

Preston will turn 5 next month and enjoys just being a boy. He's a builder and an organizer and can spend long periods of time entertaining himself which Mom loves greatly. He still has such a sweet little personality, but we are seeing a change in him also. He loves to irritate his sister and he's still a bit of a cry-baby, but of course we still love him.

Carter will be 3 later this month and we now start the "battle" of toilet-training him, I don't even remember how it happened with the other 2. I can tell it's going to be a power struggle more than anything else though, great....another one of "those" kids. He loves to be in the action, loves dinosaurs & is terribly scared of them especially the ones in the closet and behind the fridge. He repeats everything his siblings say and then will turn on us and shout out, "YOU DON'T DO THAT!". We have some kinks to work out with him.

Both Alexis & Preston are still in Awana and impress us all the time with memorizing & understanding their Bible.

We sold our condo in Eugene, so we’re 1 step closer to moving back to Eugene. There is no other progress though, but our plan is to move in 2010. We just don’t know the month or what the circumstances will be. Amidst the unknowns of Our Journey we find an amazing amount of peace in the promises of our Lord that He will guide us & continue to give us wisdom and reward us in His time and also reveal His plan for our family. For right now, we’re to remain in our apartment away from our family but surrounded by great friends and an amazing church.

Happy New Year

The Daggett House

Travis, Charlie, Alexis, Preston & Carter

Below there is a slide show of our year, check it out.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Happy New New Year, Charlie! Wonderful post and picture!