Friday, December 2, 2011

A Benefit to Homeschooling

Here's an example of where we're glad to be homeschooling!

I'm sure this will start to be more frequent & we'll need to be diligent and educate correctly.

The only area that I've had to modify in school is in the area of how people view our environment & humans impact on it. Of course, our kids are taught that humans are the cause of everything negative & I really don't know what the solution is to them. I guess it would be a better world if we all died out, bring on Planned Parenthood I guess.

So today we had such a lesson. So far they are few & far between, but now for 3rd grade it's becoming very clear of the propaganda that our children are being taught. I feel so bad for those kids that are taught this without any checks from their parents.

Here is a link to show you what Alexis's activity was today. It shows a peaceful green forest, as you add farming and other man made activities you will see how man changes our environment and how bad it is.

We still went through everything, but with a different lesson. 

God is in control.
Who did God place in charge of the beasts and land? Man
We are to subdue the land, right? Yes
Does that mean that we can be careless and destructive? No

As is all areas of our lives we should be responsible people not leaving our messes for others to clean up. But, God can do whatever he wants. Afterall, this is his creation not ours!

We pray that our kids will grow up being passionate about what & why they believe something. Of course we pray that their beliefs line up with ours, but that is up to them. 

1 comment:

Robinsen Clerk said...

In any case, to respond to your inquiry, indeed, as a rule, self-teaching is a smart thought for the two instructors and understudies. However, it presents an incredible test to guardians, who must accommodate us just as teach us.