Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kids will be kids

Well yesterday morning I slept in, now I know there are certain risks you take when there are 3 children in the house unattended when you do something like that.

Preston comes into my room to inform me that he had just gotten his haircut. "Oh? Who cut your hair?" "Sister". I'm so proud of myself, I didn't get mad, I didn't freak out, I didn't laugh either. I just calmly when about my morning routine, needing some time to figure out my reaction to it all.
Well, Carter's hair had been cut too. Preston, however, got the worst of it. Poor guy, it looks really bad. But I'm not ready to fix it yet, it takes time and setting up, so maybe this weekend.

But wait! The story doesn't end there. While eating his breakfast this morning Preston says, "Ew there's hair in here". I take a look & sure enough there's bits of hair in it. Sure looks like the counter after I get done cutting hair, "Preston did you cut your hair again?" "Yup".
I gave Alexis a calm talk yesterday about not cutting hair anymore, but I forgot to tell Preston. So my first reaction was, "Stop cutting your hair!!" Then I realized I hadn't told him that yet. Oops, so no more cutting hair. It's not safe & it makes a mess!
Good thing I didn't vacuum yesterday because I'd have to do it again.

So depending on when I decide to fix his hair, you just may get to see how bad it is.
This picture was after the 1st one, doesn't show it justice. Just picture chunks missing.

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